How Much Money You Need to Retire?

Once a multi-billionaire hedge fund manager threw a party on Shelter Island.

In the party, there were two guys named Kurt Vonnegut and Joseph Heller.

Kurt was having a conversation with Heller and he said: Our multi-billionaire host made more money in a day than your best selling novel Catch 22 made in its lifetime.

To this, Heller replied, “Yes, but I have something he will never have … Enough”.

Many business owners don’t know what ENOUGH means.

They keep going and don’t even stop to think how much they actually need to live the life of their dreams.

When they hit the $100K/mo mark, they compare themselves to those who are at $1M.

Once they reach $1M, they compare themselves with the top 10 players in their niche.

Once they get in the top 10 club, they compare themselves with behemoths like Warren Buffet and Elon Musk.

The result is a never ending feeling of “I am falling behind”.

That was the first scenario.

The second scenario is: When you don’t know what ENOUGH really is for you, you don’t know what to do to get it.

You end up doing meaningless and low value tasks which will take you and your business nowhere.

You become a captain without a compass… having no idea where the ship is going.

I call this ENOUGH your Financial Freedom Figure (F3)

It is the amount of money that you need to become financially free.

Aiming for F3 doesn’t mean that you should let the opportunities pass and stop working once you hit it.

You can keep doing what you love, give the extra money to charity and keep making this world a better place.

Having a clear goal to aim for will release you from the toxic cycle of never ending comparison that makes you feel you are not enough.

So I am curious. Do you know what your F3 is?

Book a call here if you want a simple formula which can help you calculate your F3.


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